
Bob Young serves on national ABA panel

by Mandy Hicks

Attorney Bob Young will serve on a panel of experts at the American Bar Association annual meeting on August 3.

His panel will address, “Personal Branding and Implicit Bias” and will be held on August 3, 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the meeting in Chicago. Bob is Chair of the Diversity Committee for the ABA and member of the Member Development Committee. The committees fall under the Law Practice Management Section of the Bar, which helps improve the operations of law firms across the country.

The program description reads as follows:

Diverse and women attorneys still face significant challenges – sometimes overt, sometimes subtle – in achieving professional success. Even in the best environments issues of implicit bias may pose invisible barriers to inclusion and professional development. A well developed professional identity is a critical component of diverse and women attorneys’ toolbox for success. Panelists will explore the creation, development and evolution of personal branding as a powerful tool for advancement in the law firm and corporate environments and for successful rainmaking. Participants will then be guided through hands on activities that will assist them in discovering and establishing their personal identity and brand.

The panel moderator is Anna Torres. Panelists are Katy Goshtasbi, John Mitchell, Susan Letterman White, and Bob Young.