ELPO elves wrap presents to raise funds
by Mandy Hicks
During the holiday season, volunteers wrap gifts in exchange for donations. Cassie Joiner, legal assistant, helped coordinate the group that wrapped gifts. Others who donated time to wrapping gifts were legal assistant Nicole Slaughter, staff assistants Lauren Oliver, Abby Potter, and Alicia Parish, and runner Linda Gann. The group raised about $300 for ACS.
Also, during the week of Thanksgiving, Judy Smith sold baked goods in exchange for donations, also in support of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. Judy, who is a legal secretary, raised nearly $500 with her effort.
ELPO participates annually in Relay for Life, which officially kicks off in November and culminates with the Relay, which will be held June 1, 2012 this year in Warren County.