Rebecca Simpson gives presentation on collaborative practice
by Mandy Hicks

Attorney Rebecca Simpson gave a presentation on Friday, November 17 to the Bowling Green Mental Health Professionals Association. Her presentation discussed collaborative practice, a process in which families choose to resolve divorce issues and other conflicts outside of court with the assistance of legal, financial and mental health professionals working together as a team.
“It’s well-known that divorce is a very stressful process,” Simpson says. “By pulling together professionals from many different areas, we can work together to create solutions and take away some of the contention and stress of the process.”
Using the collaborative divorce process helps families address legal, financial and emotional aspects of divorce, Simpson says, and helps to insulate children from the damaging disputes that can occur between parents.
Locally, collaborative practice is gaining interest with several attorneys, financial professionals and therapists all trained in the process. Simpson says she is looking forward to resolving more cases this way in the future. “Collaborative practice is often a better way to divorce,” Simpson says. “It allows families to consider all aspects of separation and to hear different perspectives. In court, the two members of a couple are pitted against each other as adversaries. This is the opposite of that. Both are working together to reach a mutually acceptable, durable agreement.”
For more information on collaborative family practice, contact Simpson at (270) 781-6500 or