Bob Young selected for ABA Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council
by Mandy Hicks

Attorney Bob Young was recently appointed to serve on the ABA Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council.
The group will seek to advance ABA Goal III: to eliminate bias and enhance diversity and inclusion in the Association, legal profession, and justice system. More than 20 people have been selected to serve on the council. “The most important thing we can do to help the profession of law is to support diversity,” Bob says. “It is crucial that we reflect the communities that we serve. I hope that my efforts will help everyone receive the representation they deserve in court, instill trust in the legal system and that more people will consider law to be an honorable profession that welcomes them.”
On the national level, Bob served as the Chair of the Diversity Committee of the American Bar Association, and he also supported diversity efforts while serving as Chair of the Law Practice Division of the ABA. Along with others from ELPO, he has been involved in creating a Diversity Pipeline Project that is designed to prompt high school students to consider a career in law. That project kicked off at the beginning of the 2017 to 2018 school year. “There really are two important phases of encouraging young people to pursue a career in law: presenting law as a possibility as early as high school, and then ensuring that they feel welcome and included once they have graduated from law school and entered the field.”
The ABA Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council began meeting in December.