

Doing good does a business well, too

By Nathan Vinson, Attorney English, Lucas, Priest and Owsley, LLP This is that time of year when we all start thinking about taxes – and how to pay less. We’ve often gotten the news from our accountants that perhaps our refunds won’t be as large as we’d like or that we owe. Ugh to both. This is a good time to consider if your business can be more charitably minded, and perhaps help you pare back the tax burden next year. Read More


Business owners need a solid succession plan for the future

By Nathan Vinson, Attorney English, Lucas, Priest and Owsley Owning a business is the American dream for many. It’s building something from your own hands that you’ve shaped and created. It’s long hours, and a labor of love – but in the end – it’s yours. And that’s a fantastic feeling if you’ve got an entrepreneurial streak. But that feeling of ownership is what keeps a lot of business owners from planning for the future. It’s hard to envision a time when your business will go on without you. Your failure to plan for that inevitability is your biggest vulnerability as an entrepreneur, and can rob you of the equity you’ve built over the years of business ownership. The best succession plan is one that you make before you need it. It’s on the shelf, ready to go, should something happen to you or other key business owners or managers. It is also a living plan, though, that you should review at least annually and update as needed, just as you would with any other estate documents such as a will or trust. Even if you don’t see yourself ever leaving your business, creating a plan is a good exercise in thinking about the strategy and purpose of your business, your role in it and the importance of having key people to help you execute your vision. You may find this article from the Small Business Administration on how to exit your business helpful. Read More


Gaines Penn’s term as Chamber President draws to a close

Gaines Penn, Managing Partner and an attorney at ELPO, served for a year as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce. Read More