estate planning


Do I Need a Will?

One of the most frequent things I hear from potential clients is “I don’t have much, so I don’t need a will.” If you do not have substantial assets, then you may be wondering if this is true. Read More


ELPO Law Partner Nathan Vinson Joins Elevate Kentucky Class of 2021

ELPO Law Partner Nathan Vinson Joins Elevate Kentucky Class of 2021 Read More


ELPO Law Associate Leah Morrison Joins Bowling Green-Warren County Bar Association Board of Directors

ELPO Law Associate Leah Morrison Joins Bowling Green-Warren County Bar Association Board of Directors Read More


Why Do I Need a Power of Attorney or Advance Medical/Living Will Directive?

Without the right power of attorney – or any at all – the incapacitated individual’s family would need to go through the justice system to have a guardian or conservator appointed to represent them. Read More


Reduced Rate on Simple Estate Plans for Veterans

Reduced Rate on Simple Estate Plans for Veterans Read More


Simple End of Year Tax Planning and Wealth Transfer Tips

Believe it or not, the end of 2020 is quickly approaching (insert collective sigh of relief). While I think most of us are ready to start looking forward to 2021 and would prefer to not even have to utter the words 2020 anymore, now is the time to finish off the year strong by reviewing simple, yet important, year-end tax planning and wealth transfer tips.  When most people think of tax planning and wealth transfer, they may have in mind complex estate planning documents and an overload of legal and accounting advice.  But that doesn’t have to be the case.  Here are three simple tips that you can implement with relative ease, though you will want to consult your tax advisor first. Read More


Reduced Rate on Simple Estate Plans for Frontline Workers

Reduced Rate on Simple Estate Plans for Frontline Workers Read More


LEGAL UPDATE: Kentucky Changes Power of Attorney Law Effective July 2020

Right at two years to the date, Kentucky has again changed its power of attorney law by adopting parts of the Uniform Power of Attorney Act. Read More


Executing Wills Remotely During COVID-19

Executing Wills Remotely During COVID-19 Read More


Five Things You Need to Know About Medicaid

Five Things You need to Know About Medicaid Read More